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  1. Chen F., Zhu Y., Muratova G.V. , Two-step modulus-based matrix splitting iteration methods for retinex problem , // Numerical Algorithms , 2021 , Q1 , Impact-factor: 3.041 , ISSN: 1017-1398 , DOI: 10.1007/s11075-021-01103-y
  2. Chen F., Li T.Y., Muratova G.V. , Lopsided scaled HSS preconditioner for steady-state space-fractional diffusion equations , // Calcolo , 2021 , V. 58 , P. 26 (12 pages) , Q1 , Impact-factor: 2.157 , ISSN: 0008-0624 , DOI: 10.1007/s10092-021-00419-4
  3. Bai Z.-Z., Wang L., Muratova G.V. , On relaxed greedy randomized augmented Kaczmarz methods for solving large sparse inconsistent linear systems , // East Asian Journal on Applied Mathematics , 2021 , Q2 , Impact-factor: 1.660 , ISSN: 2079-7362 , DOI: 10.4208/eajam.100821.251121
  4. Feng W., Wang Z.-Q., Zhong R.-B., Muratova G.V. , Restrictive preconditioning for convection-diffusion distributed control problems , // East Asian Journal on Applied Mathematics , 2021 , Q2 , Impact-factor: 1.660 , ISSN: 2079-7362 , DOI: 10.4208/eajam.080621.030921
  5. Liu Y.-N., Muratova G.V. , A block fast regularized Hermitian splitting preconditioner for solving two-dimensional discretized almost-isotropic spatial fractional diffusion equations , // East Asian Journal on Applied Mathematics , 2021 , Q2 , Impact-factor: 1.660 , ISSN: 2079-7362 , DOI: 10.4208/eajam.070621.080921
  6. Chen F., Miao C.-Q., Muratova G.V. , On convergence of MRQI and IMRQI methods for Hermitian eigenvalue problems , // Communications on Applied Mathematics and Computation , 2021 , 3 , P. 189–197 , ISSN: 2096-6385 , DOI: 10.1007/s42967-020-00079-1
  7. Martynova T.S., Muratova, G.V., Wang, Z.-Q. , Algebraic multigrid method with skew-Hermitian smoothers , // CEUR Workshop Proceedings , 2021 , 2837 , P. 24–34


  1. Bai Z.-Z., Wu W.-T., Muratova G.V. , The power method and beyond , // Applied Numerical Mathematics , 2020 , V. 164 , P. 29-42 , Q1 , Impact-factor: 2.468 , ISSN: 0168-9274 , DOI: 10.1016/j.apnum.2020.03.021
  2. Fang Chena, Tian-Yi Lia, Kang-Ya Lua, G.V. Muratova , Modified QHSS iteration methods for a class of complex symmetric linear system , // Applied Numerical Mathematics , 2020 , V. 164 , P. 3-14 , Q1 , Impact-factor: 2.468 , ISSN: 0168-9274 , DOI: 10.1016/j.apnum.2020.01.018
  3. Lu K.-Y., Xie D.-X., Chen F., Muratova G.V. , Dominant Hermitian splitting iteration method for discrete space-fractional diffusion equations , // Applied Numerical Mathematics , 2020 , V. 164 , P. 15-28 , Q1 , Impact-factor: 2.468 , ISSN: 0168-9274 , DOI: 10.1016/j.apnum.2020.03.005


About the laboratory

The laboratory will integrate advanced research teams working in the fields of applied mathematics, mathematical modeling, computer science and mechanics.


Laboratory "Computational mechanics"

Rostov-on-don, 8A Milchakov street,

+7 (863) 297-51-11

Changes made 10.03.25. The site administrator Irina N. Shabas