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The research carried out by the staff of the Laboratory “Computational Mechanics” will significantly develop the theory, models and methods of large-scale analysis and identification of composite, nonlinear and active materials, flow structures and develop appropriate software packages that are based on effective specialized solvers. New versions created in the laboratory
ACELAN and ACELAN-COMPOS software systems will have good prospects in the market of advanced high-tech software products and will ensure the development of the laboratory after the completion of the project.

Research Areas

The laboratory will conduct advanced research in the following four areas:

  • numerical methods and software for solving algebraic problems of large dimension;
  • finite element complexes ACELAN, ACELAN-COMPOS and computer design of composites and active materials;
  • models, algorithms and programs for solving inverse problems of identifying the properties of active materials and structures;
  • models, algorithms and programs for the study of multiscale flow structures.

Mass Media about us

28 July 2021
ЮФУ выступил соорганизатором Международной конференции «Математическое моделирование, обратные задачи и большие данные»

Южный федеральный университет выступил соорганизатором Международной конференции «Математическое моделирование, обратные задачи и большие данные», прошедшей с 18 по 25 июля в Якутске на базе Северо-Восточного федерального университета им. М.К. Аммосова при участии Сибирского отделения Российской Академии наук.

About the laboratory

The laboratory will integrate advanced research teams working in the fields of applied mathematics, mathematical modeling, computer science and mechanics.


Laboratory "Computational mechanics"

Rostov-on-don, 8A Milchakov street,

+7 (863) 297-51-11

Changes made 10.03.25. The site administrator Irina N. Shabas