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  1. Muratova G.V., Martynova T.S., Andreeva E.M., Bavin V.V., Wang Z.-Q. , Multigrid methods with PSTS- and HSS-smoothers for solving the unsteady Navier-Stokes equations , // Siberian Electronic Mathematical Reports-Sibirskie Elektronnye Matematicheskie Izvestiya , 2020 , V. 17 , P. 2190-2203 , ISSN: 1813-3304 , DOI: 10.33048/semi.2019.17.145


About the laboratory

The laboratory will integrate advanced research teams working in the fields of applied mathematics, mathematical modeling, computer science and mechanics.


Laboratory "Computational mechanics"

Rostov-on-don, 8A Milchakov street,

+7 (863) 297-51-11

Changes made 10.03.25. The site administrator Irina N. Shabas