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Workshop Computational mechanics laboratory February 7 2020

Workshop date: 
2020-02-07 15:02
str. Stachki, 200/1, b.2, а. 206
Information about the report: 
Topic of report: 
Information about the leading scientist, prof. Zhong-ji Bae (China)
Authors of the report are employees of the Laboratory: 
Report start time: 
2020 - 15:50
Topic of report: 
Preliminary results of the report for 2019 and work plan for 2020
Authors of the report are employees of the Laboratory: 
Report start time: 
2020 - 16:30

About the laboratory

The laboratory will integrate advanced research teams working in the fields of applied mathematics, mathematical modeling, computer science and mechanics.


Laboratory "Computational mechanics"

Rostov-on-don, 8A Milchakov street,

+7 (863) 297-51-11

Changes made 10.03.25. The site administrator Irina N. Shabas