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Modeling of new materials and physically active environments

numerical methods and software for solving algebraic problems of large dimension
computer design of composites and active materials using finite element technologies
models, algorithms and programs for solving inverse problems of identifying properties of active materials and structures
models, algorithms and programs for the study of multiscale flow structures
Start date: 
Monday, September 13, 2021
End date: 
Saturday, September 18, 2021
Location of the event: 
Durso, Novorossiysk, Russia
Сайт мероприятия:
Degree of participation: 
фото конференции: 
Information about the report: 
Topic of report: 
Direct and inverse problems of nonlinear elasticity theory for bodies of canonical form
Authors of the report are employees of the Laboratory: 
Дата доклада: 
Tuesday, September 14, 2021
Report start time: 
2021 - 10:55
Topic of report: 
Finite element design of microwave devices based on LTCC materials
Authors of the report are employees of the Laboratory: 
Дата доклада: 
Tuesday, September 14, 2021
Report start time: 
2021 - 15:40
Topic of report: 
Modeling of predator-prey systems in conditions of habitat heterogeneity
Authors of the report are employees of the Laboratory: 
Authors of the report are not employees of the Laboratory: 
Зеленчук П. А., Цибулин В. Г.
Дата доклада: 
Tuesday, September 14, 2021
Report start time: 
2021 - 16:30
Topic of report: 
HSS and two-step skew-Hermitian methods for solving strongly asymmetric systems of linear algebraic equations
Authors of the report are employees of the Laboratory: 
Authors of the report are not employees of the Laboratory: 
T.S. Martynova, G.V. Muratova, I.N.Shabas, V.V. Bavin
Дата доклада: 
Tuesday, September 14, 2021
Report start time: 
2021 - 17:30
Topic of report: 
Algorithm for describing the structure of a plane vortex configuration
Authors of the report are employees of the Laboratory: 
Дата доклада: 
Tuesday, September 14, 2021
Report start time: 
2021 - 16:50
Topic of report: 
Finite element homogenization of piezoelectric composites at various scale levels: current state and development prospects
Authors of the report are employees of the Laboratory: 
Дата доклада: 
Wednesday, September 15, 2021
Report start time: 
2021 - 10:40
Topic of report: 
Multiscale and numerical modeling of a 1-3 connectivity composite using porous piezoceramics
Authors of the report are employees of the Laboratory: 
Дата доклада: 
Wednesday, September 15, 2021
Report start time: 
2021 - 12:10
Topic of report: 
Development of SLOUGH solvers with block-tape matrices of the ACELAN_COMPOS package
Authors of the report are employees of the Laboratory: 
Authors of the report are not employees of the Laboratory: 
Steinberg B.Ya., Vasilenko A.A., Veselovsky V.V., Zhivykh N.A., Metelitsa E.A., Steinberg O.B.
Дата доклада: 
Thursday, September 16, 2021
Report start time: 
2021 - 11:10
Topic of report: 
Development of a precompiler of SLOUGH solvers with block-tape matrices of the ACELAN_COMPOS package
Authors of the report are employees of the Laboratory: 
Authors of the report are not employees of the Laboratory: 
Steinberg B.Ya., Vasilenko A.A., Veselovsky V.V., Zhivykh N.A., Metelitsa E.A., Steinberg O.B.
Дата доклада: 
Thursday, September 16, 2021
Report start time: 
2021 - 16:50
Topic of report: 
Investigation of inverse coefficient problems for objects made of functionally gradient materials
Authors of the report are employees of the Laboratory: 
Authors of the report are not employees of the Laboratory: 
Ватульян А.О., Дударев В.В., Мнухин Р.М., Углич П.С.
Дата доклада: 
Thursday, September 16, 2021
Report start time: 
2021 - 17:10
Topic of report: 
Direct and inverse problems for inhomogeneous cylindrical waveguides with attenuation
Authors of the report are employees of the Laboratory: 
Authors of the report are not employees of the Laboratory: 
Vatulyan A.O., Yurov V.O.
Дата доклада: 
Thursday, September 16, 2021
Report start time: 
2021 - 17:30
Topic of report: 
Modeling the migration of heavy metals in the soil from a terrestrial source
Authors of the report are employees of the Laboratory: 
Authors of the report are not employees of the Laboratory: 
G. V. Muratova, T.M. Minkina, A.N.Timofeev
Дата доклада: 
Friday, September 17, 2021
Report start time: 
2021 - 10:00
Topic of report: 
Numerical modeling of hydrodynamics of natural flows based on reduced mathematical models
Authors of the report are employees of the Laboratory: 
Authors of the report are not employees of the Laboratory: 
K.A. Nadolin, K.V. Ambaryan
Дата доклада: 
Friday, September 17, 2021
Report start time: 
2021 - 10:40

About the laboratory

The laboratory will integrate advanced research teams working in the fields of applied mathematics, mathematical modeling, computer science and mechanics.


Laboratory "Computational mechanics"

Rostov-on-don, 8A Milchakov street,

+7 (863) 297-51-11

Changes made 10.03.25. The site administrator Irina N. Shabas